What is it and who gets it?

Tennis Elbow is a painful condition of the elbow, caused by overuse. Inflammation, or in some cases- micro-tears of the tendons located on the outside of the elbow cause pain associated with Tennis Elbow. Racket sports players including pickleball and racquetball are very commonly affected by Lateral Epicondylitis because of the repetitive motions involved in striking the ball.

tennis elbox image

Influence of Paddle Properties on Injuries

Paddle Core Thickness: Energy transference is key here. A thin core paddle absorbs less energy than a thicker core, and the body absorbs more of the mechanical load of the hit. Thin Core Paddles will likely be lighter, and provide more agility and “pop”, while paddles with a thicker core will provide more consistency and control. A thicker paddle will reduce strain on the arm.

Grip: lower force grips have been shown to reduce mechanical
loads placed on the arm.

Strike Location: Off- center ball impacts result in greater vibration magnitude than hits at center.

Why does it happen?

Capacity vs. Demand: All musculoskeletal structures in the body have a limited capacity for stress. Once demand placed on structures is higher than tissue capacity, injury can occur. Tennis elbow is a prime example of demand exceeding capacity over time.


Make sure your paddle or racket is a good fit for you! Lighter weight, thicker core and larger grips may help to reduce strain on tendons. Use your core and lower body to generate power rather than just your arm
Stretch & Strengthen forearms daily

At Home Exercises

Exercise 1

tennis elbow exercise image

Step 1: Palm faces up and away from you, gently press fingers back toward your body

tennis elbow exercise image

Step 2: Continue the stretch by alternating between bending your elbow and straightening

Tip:  Y ou can try this stretch on the wall, or with your hand on a table, fingers facing you

Exercise 2

Tennis Elbow Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Tennis Elbow Exercise 3

We Can Help! The team at Linebarger Chiropractic is ready to help guide you through recovery and strengthening! Feel free to call or walk-in to our clinic and we can help you get back to the game you love!

View, download and/or print this as a pdf flyer here. 

 COVID-19 Response

Linebarger Chiropractic is concerned about the occurrence of the COVID-19 (Novel coronavirus). As we respond to the rapid changing environment, the safety of our patients, staff and doctor remain our highest priority.

During these challenging times we are planning on staying open to serve our patients and the community.

We continue to closely monitor recommendations and protocols established by the World Health Organization (WHO), the CDC, and local health departments.

As a pre-cautionary measure, we have implemented increased hygiene routines, check in process that considers social distancing and clinic procedures outlined by healthcare organizations in the chiropractic profession.

We recommend patients follow guidelines issued by the CDC and local Health Department. If you are ill, been in contact with anyone that is ill or recently traveled to a high risk COVID-19 region or if you are in a high risk demographic please do not come in.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during these challenging times.

Experience Dry Needling for Pain Treatment from Linebarger Chiropractic

Dr. Linebarger is now certified in dry needling and will use it as part of a larger treatment plan to effectively manage conditions like shoulder pain, back pain, neck pain, headaches, tennis/golf elbow and more.  Dry needling can loosen stiff muscles, ease joint pain and improve blood flow.  It is used to help patients recover faster from injury, optimize sports performance or prevent issues from becoming chronic.

For more information contact our office at 586-1531.

Proper Breathing Techniques


On an average day, we take over 23,000 breaths. Improper breathing can result from sitting for prolonged periods, stress, and poor posture. When we breathe incorrectly it can lead to increased fatigue, insomnia, and sore musculature, especially around the neck. Use the image above to practice proper breathing techniques.

It’s that time of year again! Every year thousands of people injure themselves shoveling snow, and almost half those injuries are soft tissue related. Here’s a couple tips before heading out. 

1) NO FATIGUE: When we get tired we tend to compensate and use improper lifting techniques. 

2) NO PAIN: If you start to feel a tweak or achy sensation anywhere STOP and take a break. 

3) PROPER FOOTWEAR: Wear something with a rugged sole, so you don’t end up on your butt! 

4) HYDRATION: It’s always a good idea to drink plenty of water. 

And remember, you can always put the kids to work!

proper shoveling techniques